Diastasis man

diastasis recti also occurs in humans

Abdominal rectus abdominis diastasis also occurs with some frequency in the male especially in individuals who are overly subjected to athletic loads or following sudden changes in body weight.

rectus abdominis diastasis in the sportsman

The abdominal wall of sports subjects is subjected to considerable dynamic stress, particularly in those disciplines with high physical load such as weightlifting or the like.

The tendinous component that joins the two rectus abdominis muscles can undergo progressive and irreversible disruption leading the individual to develop rectus abdominis diastasis with associated signs and symptoms. Multiple midline hernias are often associated and clearly visible given the thin panniculus adiposus of these individuals.

Rarely do these types of patients have superficial defects such as stretch marks or excess skin that needs to be removed.

Considering lifestyle, it is crucial to choose the strongest and most stable intervention over time to reestablish proper anatomy and function.

In a certain proportion of biologically predisposed male subjects due to collagen fragility the excessive changes in abdominal volume and body weight can be likened pathophysiologically to what happens in pregnancy.

The linea alba becomes defibrated, the rectus muscles separate from each other, and the signs and symptoms of diastasis appear. It happens that some patients notice this structural failure only after subsequent major weight loss since the abdominal volume is reduced but the abdominal wall remains slack, somewhat as it does after childbirth.

If the patient has an adequate body weight, reconstruction can be considered, but if there is a state of obesity or overweight, weight loss as well as maintenance and stabilization of adequate body weight is categorically required before considering surgical reconstruction.

The Triad ® Men

The Triad ® consists of the R-Tapp robotic combination for diastasis recti, liposculpture, and excess skin removal.

The combination of these three components allow for a complete result when there are persistent blemishes in addition to diastasis recti despite proper diet and exercise.

Excess skin also frequently occurs in men in outcomes of weight loss and/or the natural aging of tissues.

Subcutaneous abdominal fat is concentrated in the so-called Belly Belt (girdle region that turns from side to side), such fat is particularly stubborn and frequently remains despite overall weight loss with diet, this occurs for various biochemical and hormonal reasons.

The three components of The Triad ® are integrated in the same operating session and are synergistic with one another as we can see in this case.

Via Michelangelo Buonarroti 48, 20145 Milano MI
Via Aurelia 559, 00165 Roma RM
8 Avenue Camille Blanc, 06240 Beausoleil, Francia

The most modern technique in the most experienced hands. The Dr. Antonio Darecchio has the largest international case history in robotic reconstruction for rectus abdominis diastasis. See the beauty of the results!
