Diastasis Recurrence

Diastasis Recurrence

An important activity that sets us apart involves taking in patients from other facilities with recurrent diastasis or complications of various kinds.

Since this is second-level surgery in correction of previous procedures each case would deserve a separate discussion.

In general, in our experience, transabdominal pre-peritoneal R-Tapp robotics has allowed us to resolve recurrences and complex cases by taking advantage of an intact and completely different work plan than before.

Diastasis recurrence, what it is, why it occurs

Recurrence of a surgical condition is defined as its recurrence, even long after surgery.

Why can a recurrence of abdominal distasis occur ?

To answer this question, one must contextualize it in the specific clinical case and then thoroughly analyze the reconstructive technique used.

There are generic risk factors and somatic characteristics predisposing to recurrence, chief among them being overweight and visceral obesity.

Systemic diseases can also affect tissue strength and predispose to diastasis recurrence.

Beyond generic factors, there are technical factors related to the type of surgery performed that can cause recurrence.

Not all diastasis surgeries have the same risk of recurrence, and the scientific literature on this is currently lacking because it is based on dated case histories and techniques.

In our clinical practice, we favor interventions with central sutures and pre-peritoneal mesh obtainable in R-Tapp robotic surgery.

Such reconstructions involve a suture that is very balanced and therefore strong, discharging forces evenly.

The mesh placed in the pre-peritoneum is very stable as it is housed in an o layer that holds it in place and insulates it from contact with the viscera.

Please see the surgical techniques pages for more details.

diastasis recti recurrence, symptoms and surgical resolution

The signs and symptoms of recurrent distasis are the reappearance of the abdominal wall defect.

After diagnostic confirmation, surgical therapy will be considered, which will vary from case to case, mainly depending on the starting surgery.

In cases in traditional surgical outcomes , the corrective approach generally proves easy ultilizing the robotic R-Tapp route . (Please read the specific section)

The most problematic and not risk-free cases , however, are those in laparoscopic surgery outcomes where the mesh in contact with the intestine often results in adherential syndrome and further problems (please read the specific chapter)

Via Michelangelo Buonarroti 48, 20145 Milano MI
Via Aurelia 559, 00165 Roma RM
8 Avenue Camille Blanc, 06240 Beausoleil, Francia

Diastasis recti, Robotic surgery, the most modern technique in the most experienced hands. Dr. Antonio Darecchio has the largest international case history in robotic reconstruction for rectus abdominis diastasis and hernia. Look at the beauty of the results!

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